
Протягом багатьох років успішно ведемо і розвиваємо експортно-імпортну діяльність компанії


LandGrain's production capacities allow it to meet the needs of both the domestic market of Ukraine and export its products abroad.

We closely monitor the quality of our products at all stages of production and shipment, monitor the terms of transportation and ensure that our foreign partners receive the products on time and in accordance with international requirements and contractual terms.

Today, the company's export geography is quite broad and includes more than 15 countries, including Poland, Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Slovakia, Turkey, Sudan and others.

LandGrain export map


Закуповуємо продукцію найкращої якості із зарубіжних країн з метою подальшої переробки на власному виробництві

We closely monitor the quality of our products at all stages of production and shipment, monitor the terms of transportation and ensure that our foreign partners receive the products on time and in accordance with international requirements and contractual terms.

Today, the company's export geography is quite broad and includes more than 15 countries, including Poland, Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Slovakia, Turkey, Sudan and others.

LandGrain import map

By choosing Landgrain, you not only save time and material resources, but also transfer to us the responsibility for the safety of the goods during transportation. 

We try to take into account all the needs of our clients to ensure a high level of service, reliability, accuracy, security and comprehensiveness of services.

Ми з оптимізмом дивимось у майбутнє і продовжуємо свій розвиток у міжнародній співпаці.

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